In a typical year, high moisture corn and corn silage would be feeding to nearly its full potential by this time in the calendar year. This year is different
Calves and heifers that grow well and become productive cows is a target every dairy farm aims for. To reach this end goal, it is helpful to have benchmarks to work toward along the way
So far this winter, I’ve been donning a cozy knitted headband and the messiest of buns daily. Luckily for my ego, my main companions (our cows) seem to experience their own horrid hair days as well
Just as facilities with the right dimensions and amenities encourage cow comfort and production, an environment that limits a cow’s natural abilities can create problems
As the year comes to an end, many dairy farmers have or are beginning to open 2021 silage storage and finding that it’s not feeding as well as some other years despite mostly having good fiber
If you could cut your antibiotic use by more than half without affecting your herd’s health, would you?You’re probably saying yes while thinking that sounds too good to be true
Imagine you’re cruising down the highway toward a perfect vacation. The only thing between you and your destination is the road.Soon, you come across a tollbooth. Being the prepared driver you
The drum beat for renewable energy continues to grow louder throughout North America and Europe. While winds come and go, clouds can place solar panels on pause, and water flowing over dams holds fish
Because manure digesters thrive on energy rich manure, many dairies considering digester projects wonder about the operation and effectiveness of digesters run on farms that focus on feed efficiency
Bill Weiss, a professor emeritus at The Ohio State University, presented “Estimating energy supply and requirements of dairy cows.”Although energy is usually the first limiting nutrient, dietary...
Karl Burgi, a hoof care consultant and founder of the Save Cows Network, discussed dairy barn flooring during the July Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, titled “Three keys to exceptional hoof health.”
The Net Merit Index was introduced to dairy producers in 1994 as a formula designed to help identify genetics that improve production, health, and livability
U.S. dairy farmers continue to get better at breeding more efficient, productive, and longer-living cows as more genetic selection tools become available